Since the classes are paid, in full, during the first week of the month, make-up classes are an option for missed lessons. Just let the desk know that you are interested, and arrangements can be made. However, missing your own class frequently will get you behind.
Each child is expected to dress appropriately if they expect to excel in their dancing. This consists of any colored leotard and tights, or shorts. Black tap shoes, pink ballet shoes, jazz boots (color decided by teacher), and bare feet for acrobatics. Please plan on having complete attire by November. It makes it very difficult for a teacher to correct student’s body placement or position when they are not wearing correct attire. Boys may wear shorts, sweats or t-shirts, along with black tap and ballet shoes. Last, but not least, please remember to wear your long hair, up. You don’t want it to become a distraction for you or your teacher.
Classes begin in early September and run through mid May. An end of the year recital will be given by the students the third weekend in May, but is not mandatory. A costume will be needed to be purchases if your child wishes to participate.
Tuition will need to be paid during the first week of every month. That’s the 1st through the 7th. We offer a semi-annual payment plan, along with an annual payment plan as well. There is also a registration fee for all students. Please inquire about all of the prices and specific amounts.
We offer a six week long summer program beginning after July 4th. You may register at the studio any time during the months of April, May, and June.